To Øl

• • • Best Porter • • •


It wouldn’t be a Beer52 Awards without our friends at To Øl picking something up. It’s always well-deserved though, and this year we’re particularly chuffed to hand them the gong for best porter, for the wonderfully named Cyllene, which you will find in this month’s box.

“We are big fans of dark beers but also appreciate higher drinkability,” says the brewery’s Emil Sylvester Jakobsen. “This porter sits right in the sweetspot, enough character and complexity to make it a special, but can also be enjoyed in a social setting and served as a full pour.

“We took what’s to us the DNA of a good porter, and wanted to add a bit ‘ummphh’ to the peak-points. So we carefully selected a mix of malts that fit the style, but then chose two hero-malts for this recipe; Double Roasted Caramel Malt and Chocolate Rye malt. This added a good, bold malt-flavour but also structure.”

Cyllene is named after one of Jupiter’s smaller moons, which was in turn named after a mythological Greek Naiad. Mythological Cyllene seems to have spent a lot of time knocking about with the god Hermes, and in a play by Sophocles even nurtured him as an infant. And then Hermes delivered your beer to you, which I think gives us a nice circularity.

“Enjoy the beer when you feel it’s fitting your week schedule the best,” says Emil. “It’s a great late evening post-work beer, or on a Sunday while working in the garden. Just drink it whenever feels right.”

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